Thursday, August 28, 2008

4100 M (2.5Mi) Swim

Swam my longest distance ever of 4100M (2.5 Mi) continuous freestyle this morning at the Y in 1hr 14min 7sec. That's a decent pace for me, of ~1 min 49 sec / 100M.

I'm really happy about this because I've been pretty focused on ramping up my run, and I've been somewhat neglecting the pool work, in combination with my wrist injury, which kept me out of the pool a bit. The wrist felt great this morning!

Another reason I'm really happy about this swim is that on Saturday afternoon, I barely could do my old 1600M workout, even though I was planning on doing 3400M, because I had this breathless, "I'm drowning" feeling for the first 500M or so, and never really shook the tiredness. That was new, odd, suprising, and worrisome all at the same time. Saturday's sad swim had me extremely worried about my upcoming events: 3Mi ocean swim for Gatorman (La Jolla Rough Water Swim), and the Orange County International Triathlon Swim 1500M (yeah - not that long but, it's part of a Triathlon).

After today's swim, I'm feeling very confident about the swim portions of these events.

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