Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Note to self: Don't run in the dark!

Started out on my usual half-marathon run this morning at 4:30AM, my usual time in order finish, shower, and make it to work.

Right at the Cardiff campgrounds, where it's dark as night, no lights, and on the blacktop, I stepped on the invisible torn up root of a bush right in the middle of the running/walking path, and proceeded to crumple with a marvelous twist of my left ankle, and then landed on my right knee.

Sat and cursed a lot thinking about all the training I just lost with that foolish choice to run without a headlamp. I'm sure the poor beach campers were none too happy about being awoken to a stream of expletives.

Had to take off the shoe, and hobble/limp the 2 miles back home. Took forever, and it was pretty painful, but mostly just depressing. I didn't have a cell phone with me but it really didn't matter since Nadine would have had to roust the kids into the car at o-dark-thirty just to get me.

Anyway, I'm super-bummed. Not sure if I'll be able to do the Gatorman 3 Mile swim event this weekend, and the Orange County International triathlon is very questionable.

I just can't believe how much fitness I'm losing by this injury, and how much it will take to get back to where I was this morning.

After the docs office, I saw a friend who had been to see my kid's doctor. The kids doc had fallen running as well, and had broken both arms. I guess I should count my blessings.

The culprit (above) .... AND the aftermath

1 comment:

  1. Oh, no! That's horrible. I hope it heals quickly. I hate those "if only I'd..." moments.
